Greetings to whomever may unexpectedly find a 'new' post on this fallow blog!
Thought I'd pop in and say that the past 2.5 years have been a couple of the most challenging of my life. I know, however, that I am not alone in that. The world is in a time of upheaval in many ways.
Nevertheless, (is that all one word?) I am here. Still attempting to play with art whenever possible.
Here are some recent sketches, nothing special, just a chance to indulge in art therapy, stretch my creative muscles and escape into the beauty of creating. Perhaps (no promises, life is still plenty challenging) I will post more often now that I'm reminded of this space. The Lord be with you.
Thought I'd pop in and say that the past 2.5 years have been a couple of the most challenging of my life. I know, however, that I am not alone in that. The world is in a time of upheaval in many ways.
Nevertheless, (is that all one word?) I am here. Still attempting to play with art whenever possible.
Here are some recent sketches, nothing special, just a chance to indulge in art therapy, stretch my creative muscles and escape into the beauty of creating. Perhaps (no promises, life is still plenty challenging) I will post more often now that I'm reminded of this space. The Lord be with you.
A Phainopepla painted this week using a reference from my own photography.
A couple of bookmarks gifted to a very kind friend...

In June I participated in a card gifting campaign for the families in Uvalde TX that have experienced the loss of a child or other family member in the mass shooting there.
I painted 21 of these cards, each unique and hand made then wrote a message of sympathy and a prayer on the reverse side. It was a somber but beautiful time to enter into the deep grief and lament with these families. Their lives will never be the same. Here's a sample of a few of them.

Until next time, I pray these words from Psalm 136 encourage you.
He remembered us when we were humiliated—
because his mercy endures forever.
He snatched us from the grasp of our enemies—
because his mercy endures forever.
He gives food to every living creature—
because his mercy endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of heaven
because his mercy endures forever.
from God's Word Translation
P.S. I'm much more active in posting things on Instagram. If at all interested you can find my page here; azkatiebee
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